The Entrepreneurial Musician: Spring 2017 Course Materials




Readings and Class Materials

Week 1: Introduction to the Entrepreneurial Musician

Week 1 Slides

Week 2: Introduction to Social Entrepreneurship

Required Readings:

  • Andrew Simonet, "Chapter 1: The Role of the Artist” from Making Your Life as an Artist (pages 1-35, see link above)
  • Rebecca Solnit, “Foreword to the Third Edition: Grounds for Hope” (pages xi-xxvi) and “Looking into Darkness” (pages 1-5) from Hope in the Dark (2016).
  • Ashoka U Student Kit, “First Things First: What is Social Entrepreneurship” (page 5) and “Going Deeper: Understanding Social Entrepreneurs” (page 9). Skim through pages 5-9 and click on the links for programs and problems that interest you.

Optional Readings:


Week 3: Introduction to Design Thinking

Required Readings:

Supplementary Readings and Media:

Week 4: Design Challenge: NEC

No required readings

Week 5: Introduction to the Final Project

Required Readings

Supplementary Materials

Week 6: Individual and Organizational Grants


Week 7: Money


Additional Media and Handouts




















Additional Readings and Class Media 

Slides from Weekly Lectures

A Collection of Links from Past Semesters

Assignments from Past Classes